Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do You Have Your New Cover Yet? Why yes, as a matter of fact I do!

I posted this on my other blog last night but wanted to be sure I shared it with you guys, too. Ain't it purdy? I don't think I could be more pleased with it myself and major kudos go to my book designer, Mike Wykowski.

What do you think?


Donna K. Weaver said...

Nice. Man, that warrior is kid!

Roger Eschbacher said...

Donna, Yup. Middle-grade at its best (imho) He undergoes quite an ordeal, too.

Humberto Dib said...

Great work, cheers from Argentina!

Roger Eschbacher said...

Thanks, Humberto!

My 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's Fundraising Page

My mom, Pat, suffers from Alzheimer's/dementia. This horrible disease is aggressive for some sufferers ...