Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm in a Wonderstorm!

Well, technically, I have a story in Wonderstorms, a new fantasy anthology that's coming out in the next week or two (sometime between 12/10-12/20). That's right, I finally have something new being published. Stop laughing. I'm a busy guy!

We five authors were given the challenge to write a short story based on the book's title. The only other stipulation was that it had to be fantasy-based. That's all we got. And so I sat down at the end of September and began working out Undrastormur (a cobbled-together Icelandic phrase that translates to. . . care to take a guess? You got it. Wonderstorm.

Icelandic, you say? Yes! My story has trolls, a draugr (the Viking equivalent of the walking dead), a bold shield maiden, and a couple of galdrakarls (Norse wizards). I'm very pleased with how this anthology turned out (all the stories are quite good) and hope our readers enjoy it, too.

I'll share more details as they become available. In the meantime. . .stop laughing!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

iAi Book of the Month: Collateral Damage by Frederick Lee Brooke

This month's featured iAi book is...

Collateral Damage by Frederick Lee Brooke.

A love affair, obsession and murder are threatening to tear apart the lives of of Iraq War vets, after all they’ve survived overseas. Determined to find the murderer, Annie Ogden discovers she’s his next target.


Five hundred, twenty-three days, I thought, what is it about that number? I took too many math seminars. I can’t help it if my brain makes these associations. They come to me at odd moments. The significance suddenly occurred to me, like an email dropping in my inbox. Prime numbers. The one hundredth prime was 523. In itself it had no meaning, and yet…a coincidence like this, a number that was such a tremendous thing of beauty, in the canon of all numbers, prime numbers in themselves being exquisitely beautiful, and today being the one hundredth prime, a thing exponentially more beautiful than any ordinary prime, and this being the very day that Michael chose to reappear in my life bringing a love poem, after all my desperate pining and longing and refusal to give up all hope. Could it really, truly be meaningless?

My sister stood across the room, arms folded over her chest.
“You have come a long way, Annie. Sometimes you do amaze me.”
“You think so?”
“Girl, I am buying you lunch. You were so strong. That was so hard. I saw every bit. You deserve more than a reward. You’re up for sainthood.”
She took me to lunch, and afterwards we strolled down Michigan Avenue, and all afternoon I had trouble containing myself, even if we avoided the subject for the next four hours. It felt incredible to be alive. I felt like I was bathing in a circle of sunshine even though the day was cold and overcast.


About Frederick Lee Brooke

Frederick Lee Brooke launched the Annie Ogden Mystery Series in 2011 with Doing Max Vinyl and following with Zombie Candy in 2012, a book that is neither about zombies nor sweets. The third mystery in the series, Collateral Damage, appeared in 2013. The first book in Fred’s entirely new series is due before Christmas, 2013.

A resident of Switzerland, Fred has worked as a teacher, language school manager and school owner. He has three boys and two cats and recently had to learn how to operate both washing machine and dryer.

When not writing or doing the washing, Fred can be found walking along the banks of the Rhine River, sitting in a local cafe, or visiting all the local pubs in search of his lost umbrella.

You can find out more about Fredrick and his books by visiting these places: 

Twitter: @frederickbrooke
Amazon page: Collateral Damage 
my blog:
Google +:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

iAi Book of the Month: When Shadows Fall

This month's featured iAi book is...   

When Shadows Fall by Bruce Blake 

A hundred hundred seasons have turned since the Goddess banished the Small Gods to the sky, leaving the land to mankind alone. 

For Prince Teryk, life behind the castle walls is boring and uneventful until he stumbles upon an arcane scroll in a long-forgotten chamber. The parchment speaks of Small Gods, the fall of man, and the kingdom's savior—the firstborn child of the rightful king. It's his opportunity to prove himself to his father, the king, and assure his place in history. All he needs to do is find the man from across the sea—a man who can't possibly exist—and save mankind.

But ancient magic has been put in motion by a mysterious cult determined to see the Small Gods reborn. Powerful forces clash, uncaring for the lives of mortals in their struggle to prevent the return of the banished ones, or aid in their rebirth.

Named in a prophecy or not, what chance does a cocky prince who barely understands the task laid before him stand in a battle with the gods?


Bruce Blake lives on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. When pressing issues like shovelling snow and building igloos don't take up his spare time, Bruce can be found taking the dog sled to the nearest coffee shop to work on his short stories and novels.

Actually, Victoria, B.C. is only a couple hours north of Seattle, Wash., where more rain is seen than snow, and the dog is too small to pull a sled. Since snow isn't really a pressing issue, Bruce spends more time trying to remember to leave the "u" out of words like "colour" and "neighbour" then he does shovelling (and darn those double l's). The father of two, Bruce is also the trophy husband of a burlesque diva.

Bruce has been writing since grade school but it wasn't until a few years ago he set his sights on becoming a full-time writer. Since then, his first short story, "Another Man's Shoes" was published in the Winter 2008 edition of Cemetery Moon, another short, "Yardwork", was made into a podcast in Oct., 2011 by Pseudopod and his first Icarus Fell novel, On Unfaithful Wings, was published to Kindle in Dec., 2011. The second Icarus Fell novel, All Who Wander Are Lost, was released in July, 2012, and the third, Secrets of the Hanged Man, in July 2013. Sept., 2013 saw the publication of Blood of the King, the first book in the Khirro's Journey epic fantasy trilogy, followed by second book, Spirit of the King, in Dec., 2012, and the third, Heart of the King in Jan., 2013. He has plans for more Icarus novels, several stand alones, and several more books in the Small Gods series.

You can learn more about Bruce and his books by following thses links:

Twitter: @bruceablake  

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Book Review: What Happened to Jory and Other Dark Departures

An anthology of short stories ranging in length from a few pages to novelette, What Happened to Jory and Other Dark Departures by Gary R. Henry is a fun and well-written read.

The titular story is jam-packed with backwoods creepiness and more than delivers on author Henry's promise of "dark departures." Roth's Machine is a dread-infused work of sci-fi that chronicles a rogue scientist's journey to "the other side" and is a true nail-biter.

All of the shorts are enjoyable but I have to say my favorite is A Barbarian in Rome, the novelette-length work of historical fiction at the end of the collection. Here, the author takes us back to Imperial Rome where Cugirtha, a captured barbarian warrior turned slave/gladiator, must use his wits and unmatched combat skills to survive in the brutal world of ancient Rome. The author promises Cugirtha's adventures will continue in a full-length novel and I'm going to hold him to that as the writing is superb.

My only complaint about the collection is the drab and uninteresting cover. I think a re-do is called for in this instance as the cover does not reflect the high quality of the stories contained within. Don't let this deter you from giving it a read, though, as What Happened to Jory and Other Dark Departures is highly recommended.


Gary R. Henry, "Grew up at the beach in Virginia. Discovered the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Rockies in college, where I studied journalism and theater. Honed my writing craft in the military as a "Navy Journalist." Taught journalism at the Defense Information School. Discovered spelunking while stationed in Nashville, Tenn. Love the AP Stylebook. Retired from the Navy, live in Lawrence, Kansas with spouse Karen Ann and dogs Sophie Jones and Lambchop. Write marketing copy and technical for a manufacturer of construction products. Enjoy running all day and night on trails in woods. Wrote my first novel a couple months after discovering Smashwords. Now living happily ever after."

You can find out more about Gary by visiting his Back of the Pack blog.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Littlest Pet Shop Back in One Month!

Just finished my fourth script for Season 3. It's a privilege to write for such a fun show. Doubly so since they really seem to like my stuff. Season 2 starts on Nov.2 so set them DVRs!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

iAi Book of the Month: The Bones of the Earth

This month's featured iAi book is...  
The Bones of the Earth  by Scott Bury

The Dark Age. Western Rome has been shattered by waves of invaders. The earth itself seems to have turned on the remaining Eastern Empire: rising seas drown cities, a year of clouds destroys crops brings famine, and a new plague kills a third of the population, including the Emperor Justinian himself.

Far from the Empire’s borders, rejected by his own people, Javor heads for Constantinople, centre of civilization, encountering more raiders and mysteries — like Danisa, a girl crucified naked in the middle of the ancient, crumbling Roman highway. He rescues her, but she has a strange fascination with his heirlooms. And when she disappears again, Javor quest changes: what is the link between the girl he loves, his enemies and the two items he inherited from his great-grandfather?

The answer, just out of reach, lies in the nature of the earth itself.

Click on the book's cover to visit its page.
Scott Bury is a journalist, editor and writer living in Ottawa. His articles have been published in newspapers and magazines in Canada, the US, UK and Australia. His first published novel was The Bones of the Earth, followed a year later by the erotic comedy One Shade of Red. Other published fiction includes two related short stories, “Dark Clouds” and “What Made Me Love You?” His first published fiction, “Sam, the Strawb Part,” is a short story; all proceeds from its sales go to a charity for children with autism-spectrum disorders. Scott Bury was born in Winnipeg, grew up in Thunder Bay, and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University. He has two sons, an orange cat and a loving wife who puts up with a lot. You can read more of Scott’s writing at Written Words and Scott’s Travel Blog, and on his website, The Written Word. Follow him on Twitter @ScottTheWriter. 


Monday, September 2, 2013

iAi Book of the Month: American Goddesses

This month's featured iAi book is American Goddesses by Gary Henry. 

When two small-town women find themselves with nearly unlimited powers of mind and body, their lives get complicated. Things turn nasty as a shadowy organization attempts to use Meagan and Trish for their own evil ends, and destroy them, their town and the USA in the process.


About Gary Henry: 

"Grew up at the beach in Virginia. Discovered the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Rockies in college, where I studied journalism and theater. Honed my writing craft in the military as a "Navy Journalist." Taught journalism at the Defense Information School.

Discovered spelunking while stationed in Nashville, Tenn. Love the AP Stylebook. Retired from the Navy, live in Lawrence, Kansas with spouse Karen Ann and dogs Sophie Jones and Lambchop.

Write marketing copy and technical for a manufacturer of construction products. Enjoy running all day and night on trails in woods. Wrote my first novel a couple months after discovering Smashwords. Now living happily ever after."

You can learn more about Gary and his books by visiting his blog, Honest Indie Book Reviews.

Click on the iAi Book of the Month tab on the top of this page to discover additional featured books from previous months. 

Click on the book's cover to visit its page.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Earlier this week I posted the following update for backers of my old Dragonfriend Kickstarter project. I offer it here for those patient souls who have been asking me "When is the next book coming out?" Translation: "When are you going to publish it you dope?!" Here is my vaguely specific and "waffle-y" response:

"Hi folks! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of Giantkiller -- primarily because some of the Dragonfriend backers are owed a copy of the new manuscript in one form or another, but also because I'm excited about getting closer to an actual publication date.

Just this past weekend, I was finally able to send off the Giantkiller file to the same pro editor who pummeled Dragonfriend into shape. Iguana Proofreading's Darren Robinson informs me that he should be finished critiquing and proofing the book sometime in the next three weeks! I'll review his suggested edits (which have been dead on and saved me from some embarrassing errors on Dragonfriend -- exactly the reason I did a "Help me hire an editor" Kickstarter project), make the necessary changes, then format and upload the book. Hooray!

I'm not going to give an estimate as to when all of this will be finished because I'm always wrong when I do. Suffice it to say it will be "soon-ish."

Thanks again for your support of the original project. As I mentioned in the project proposal, any leftover funds would be used on the sequel to Dragonfriend. Between purchasing the cover art and hiring Darren again, that's exactly what happened."
 My excuse for the delay is that I've been blessed with some great animation work and while there is no downside to being fully employed, it hasn't left a lot of time for Giantkiller. That said, I promise to keep chugging along and deliver the book to you in a "soonish manner." Which, in this case, I hope, means before the end of the year.

...waffle waffle waffle...

My 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's Fundraising Page

My mom, Pat, suffers from Alzheimer's/dementia. This horrible disease is aggressive for some sufferers ...