Friday, June 26, 2020

HELLO NINJA Season 3 Trailer

HELLO NINJA Season 3 arrives July 10th! Kee-ya! #helloninja #animationwriter #atomiccartoons #netflixjr #fun!

Friday, April 24, 2020

HELLO NINJA: Season 2 !!!

It's here! Check out HELLO NINJA, Season 2, live on Netflix. I wrote a bunch of episodes for this round so let me know what you think! #HelloNinja #animation #animationwriter #atomiccartoons #netflix #fun

Follow this link to see the Season 2 trailer on the Netflix site:

Saturday, March 21, 2020


You're right! Now's the perfect time to write an honest book review for, let's say, your favorite YA sci-fi adventure novel by an author whose last name rhymes with freschbacher! #YA #scifi #spaceopera #spacemarines #action #adventure #kindlepress #pleaseandthanks!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Keyboard for Hire

Hello Ninja

Should I tell you what I want, what I really, really want? Sweet. Seeking a full-time staff writer position, but also available for freelance and development work. animation writer development newyear newgig thanks!

Follow this link to my LinkedIn Profile and see what I've been up to.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HELLO NINJA Series...Activate!

It's here! HELLO NINJA, an animated series I wrote for, is now streaming on #Netflix. Check out this awesome trailer and then check out the awesome series! #helloninja #animationwriter #animation #writing #fun!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ghost Star: Kindle Press Book Deal for the Month of November!

GHOST STAR, my #YA #scifi adventure, scored a special Kindle Press Book Deal on Amazon for the month of November! Yay! #spaceopera #spacemarines #military #kindlepress #bookdeal #USonly

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why Do We Love Dragons? A Guest Post by Juli D. Revezzo

Author Juli D. Revezzo is paying a visit to my blog this week. Yay! She's written a guest post about dragons (some of my very favorite people) and will tell us a little bit about her newest book. Take it away, Julie!


Why do we love dragons? That is the question. If you look on Amazon, it turns out, dozens of books if not hundreds within the fantasy genre the concern dragons. Everything from fiction to “nonfiction” titles of sort that report to give you the history of dragons. I think there are even books concerning the mythological aspects of dragons. They have made appearances and everything from the Bible to Eastern mythology to fantasy fiction to even TV shows and movies. But why?

Why dragons, as opposed to unicorns and fairies which of course have their own section of the bookstore. But why are they so much more popular than the aforementioned creatures? Or elves, or sprites, or any of the other magical and mythological ghoulies in creatures that storytellers of come up with over the years? I have to opposing answers to that question: one is the snarky answer hell if I know. The other well honestly I don't know. Possibly because dragons are magical, and the magical seems to resonate some folks (like you and me, otherwise, we wouldn’t be here, right?
J).  But possibly because they represent in various mythologies the concept of power and strength.

Whatever the case, they are the most popular and an easy cipher to readers who identify with the genre.  There is another reason: In my urban fantasy series, Antique Magic, the hero, Trevor, is Welsh and—you guessed it—a dragon is the mythological mascot of Wales. So it made sense to bring one into him and Caitlin’s story, which is heavily flavored with Welsh legend and mythology.  Rather than making him a fierce, fellow, though, as per usual, in the world of Antique Magic, the dragon comes to the couple with a request for help, that too based on a Welsh myth—he needs help fixing a magical cloak he wears. For what reason? You’ll have to read to find out! If you’d like to check it out, it’s available at Amazon:

And the synopsis is as follows:
Since Caitlin and Trevor vowed to assist the Otherworld and opened their enchanted antique shop, they’ve seen many strange things. But now, someone comes in asking for a mundane item: kitschy “witches” brooms. Has their magical life returned to normal?
As the couple prepares to host a family gathering, fate intervenes and something they’ve never seen before roars into their life: A creature out of Welsh legend and fantasy: A blundering, somewhat underdeveloped dragon—not at all the type of dragon they ever expected to meet. Forced to undertake his unique challenge, Caitlin and Trevor are perplexed by his demands, but the magical beast is certain they are the only witches who can help him.
Doing so might unlock an ancient hidden secret. Refusing might destroy them.

I hope you’ll enjoy my take on dragons.  Oh and if you’d like to check out the entire series, it too is available at Amazon:

Thanks, Roger, for having me here!

Juli D. Revezzo has long been in love with writing, a love built by devouring everything from the Arthurian legends, to the works of Michael Moorcock, and the classics and has a soft spot for classic the “Goths” of the 19th century. She is the author of twenty plus titles, including the Antique Magic fantasy paranormal series, the Celtic Steward Chronicles fantasy romance series, and various historical romances, while her non-fiction has been included in The Scarlet Letter. She has also, on occasion, edited the popular e-zine Nolan's Pop Culture Review... But her heart lies in the storytelling. She is a member of The Indie Authors Network and the Magic Appreciation Tour. To learn more about this and future releases, visit her at:

I also have a Pinterest board for the Antique Magic series, here:

Thanks for stopping by, Juli. Your book sounds great!

Friday, September 27, 2019

ARROWS vs ARMOUR - Medieval Myth Busting

A fascinating video from the fine folks at Tod's Workshop YouTube!

From their YouTube page: "160lbs ENGLISH WARBOW shoots FULL WEIGHT MEDIEVAL ARROWS at reproduced MEDIEVAL ARMOUR. Find out what happens!"

Thursday, September 12, 2019

My Animation Writing: HELLO NINJA on Netflix!

Earlier this year I wrote a bunch of scripts for "Hello Ninja". It's an awesome new series that starts airing November 1st on Netflix! #justannounced #checkitout #netflix #helloninja #atomiccartoons #action #fun 
To read the full announcement, CLICK HERE!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mini Review: The Property by Rutu Modan

A beautifully illustrated graphic novel by Rutu Modan, The Property chronicles a journey to modern-day Poland by Regina, an elderly woman, and Mica, her granddaughter. The "official" reason for the trip is to reclaim a property lost to the family during the second World War, but we soon discover there's a deeper, more mysterious reason that has Regina fretting the whole time they're in Warsaw. The Property is superb, a true masterwork by a supremely talented author/illustrator.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mini Review: Castle of Spells (Island of Fog Book 9)

The conclusion of a two-part story begun in Prison of Despair (Island of Fog Book 8), Castle of Spells is a fun read featuring Hal and his shapeshifter pals and the notorious Queen Bee and her scrag followers (aka The Swarm). The twist this round is that the scrags have "acquired" the ability to make their own shapeshifters. An exciting climactic battle on the beach between Hal and friends and the newly minted scrag monsters (some cool new species have been added) determines once and for all who wins the power struggle between the two opposing forces. As always, author Robinson's storytelling is taut and entertaining. Recommended.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Ghost Star: Science Fiction Amazon Book Promo for July, 2019

So this is pretty cool. The Kindle Press team notified me that Amazon is running a promo for Ghost Star via Science Fiction and Fantasy Kindle book deals. Yay! The promotion is in the US marketplace and the book will be on sale for $0.99 starting 7/1/19 and running through 7/31/19.

In semi-related news, Ghost Star has been a top 90 bestseller in Science Fiction (Kindle Store) for the past several weeks and currently ranks at #61. Double yay!

If you're looking to save a couple of bucks on a fun, sci-fi adventure (or know someone who might be), CLICK HERE. C'mon, it's only $0.99! 😊


Sci-Fi/Fantasy novelist, picture book author, and TV animation writer (you probably grew up watching at least one of his shows), Roger Eschbacher lives in California with his awesome family, a mellow tortoise, and a very silly Border Terrier.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Norman Picklestripes Announced!

They just announced a fun new show I wrote for last year, Norman Picklestripes! It's a combination of "traditional stop motion with digital animation" and I predict the pre-school crowd is going to love it. Premieres on NBC Universal Kids on Saturday, July 27th at 11 am. Watch it! 😊 animation fun nbcuniversal

Check out the press release HERE!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Mini Review: They Took My Prostate: Cancer Loss Hope by JP Mac

They Took My Prostate: Cancer Loss Hope is a funny and informative read that details a procedure I wouldn't wish on anyone--except, maybe, a really evil guy.

Highly recommended.

My 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's Fundraising Page

My mom, Pat, suffers from Alzheimer's/dementia. This horrible disease is aggressive for some sufferers ...